Posts Tagged "gold mine"

A letter of anger and hope

A letter of anger and hope

Stop anyone in the street and ask if they love Nature, most of them will say they do. But for a reason this love is passionless and effortless, as we witness continuous suffering of Nature…
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Amulsar mine and vague future of Jermuk according to Lydian

Amulsar mine and vague future of Jermuk according to Lydian

British offshore company Lydian International Limited registered at Toronto Stock Exchange plans to exploit gold mine in Amulsar. For years it didn’t include Jermuk town as an area affected by the project. However, in May…
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Amulsar: Expert Opinions, Analysis and Articles

Amulsar: Expert Opinions, Analysis and Articles

Here you can become familiar with various expert opinions, analysis, articles and videos regarding the Amulsar gold mine published during different time periods. The list will be updated regularly by us and will include materials…
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No to Mining at Amulsar: Protests in Sweden

No to Mining at Amulsar: Protests in Sweden

On February 26, in the capital city of Sweden, a group of environmentalists joined to the campaign against the mining at Amulsar initiated by Lydian International Ltd. Arranging the protests every week in front of…
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Hidden Dangers of Lydian International’s Gold Mine: Cyanide

Hidden Dangers of Lydian International’s Gold Mine: Cyanide

People who are concerned with environmental issues in Armenia got convinced once again that the environmental inspection in our country does not serve its intended purpose, but it only automatically confirms the political decisions that have been…
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They are now begging the Diaspora for money to exploit Amulsar mine

They are now begging the Diaspora for money to exploit Amulsar mine

Foreign companies with mining projects in Armenia are now reaching out to the Diaspora, organizing various meetings where they portray mining as a savior for Armenia’s economy and our people’s welfare. The heads of Lydian…
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Why Amulsar should not be exploited?

Why Amulsar should not be exploited?

The risks connected with the exploitation of Amulsar first of all are associated with the country’s strategic water resources because all the mine infrastructure will be distributed in the Arpa and Vorotan River catchment and…
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