Press Releases

Ecocide Alert in Nagorno–Kharabakh region amidst war between Armenia & Azerbaijan

Ecocide Alert in Nagorno–Kharabakh region amidst war between Armenia & Azerbaijan

Dear Partner, As you may be aware, on September 27th, 2020, full–blown war exploded between Armenia & Azerbaijan over Naghorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) with four ceasefire regimes negotiated under the umbrella of Minsk OSCE Group, violated during…
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Mining Corporations in Armenia Exploit the War to Boost Public Appeal

Mining Corporations in Armenia Exploit the War to Boost Public Appeal

War is an extreme form of human and ecological catastrophe violating the right to life for humans and other species. Like war, mining is catastrophic to humans and to life-sustaining ecological systems. Thus, it is…
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Nikol Pashinyan has violated public interest by defending Lydian’s capital

Nikol Pashinyan has violated public interest by defending Lydian’s capital

The Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) civil initiative joined by hundreds of signatories, has issued a statement in response to September 9 statement on Amulsar by Nikol Pashinyan. Today, September 9, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced…
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Announcement of Bronozian Consultants after visiting Amulsar

Announcement of Bronozian Consultants after visiting Amulsar

On June 23, 2018 Dr. Ann Maest and Dr. Andre Sobolewski held a press conference during which they spoke about their trip to Amulsar, results of the meeting with Lydian and their final conclusions. They…
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Amulsar: Alternative Public Expertise On December 12

Amulsar: Alternative Public Expertise On December 12

On December 12 at 10:45 am – 14:00 an environmental meeting will be held, during which industry experts and environmentalists will examine the issues that are being ignored by the Armenian government and responsible state…
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Open Letter: EBRD investment in Lydian International’s mining project in Amulsar and how it threatens the sustainability of the region

Open Letter: EBRD investment in Lydian International’s mining project in Amulsar and how it threatens the sustainability of the region

On the 26th of October 2017 Armenian Environmental Front civil initiative sent a letter to EBRD, as well as to its office in Armenia regarding EBRD’s financing of Lydian International and its gold mining project…
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Open Letter: Funding construction of a new landfill without recycling facilities is not acceptable in the age of human-caused-climate-crisis

Open Letter: Funding construction of a new landfill without recycling facilities is not acceptable in the age of human-caused-climate-crisis

On October 24, 2017 Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) civil initiative sent a letter to EBRD, EIB and Department of European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations regarding the loan provided to Armenia to construct a landfill that…
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February 16, Court Hearing Around the Claim to Cancel Amulsar Gold Mine Project. AEF

February 16, Court Hearing Around the Claim to Cancel Amulsar Gold Mine Project. AEF

Since April 2015, many residents of Gndevaz community of Vayots Dzor marz and two environmental NGOs have been litigating the permits given by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as well as other Governmental agencies…
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#NoDAPL Solidarity with Standing Rock

#NoDAPL Solidarity with Standing Rock

A movement against one of the threats to the Planet Earth is taking place in North Dakota, the U.S., where for months thousands of Native Americans, environmentalists and people standing against the greedy corporate capital…
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Response to the “compromised” version of Kaghtsrashen project

Response to the “compromised” version of Kaghtsrashen project

In 2013 World Bank provided Armenia’s government with around 30 million USD on preferential terms for improving its irrigation systems. The loan is to be repaid within 25 years. Within this loan the government decided…
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