
February 16, Court Hearing Around the Claim to Cancel Amulsar Gold Mine Project. AEF


Since April 2015, many residents of Gndevaz community of Vayots Dzor marz and two environmental NGOs have been litigating the permits given by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as well as other Governmental agencies for mining in Amulsar.

On February 16th, at 14:00 the RA Administrative Court (address: Yerevan, Garegin Nzhdeh 23) will continue hearing the case. Environmentally concerned citizens will also participate in this hearing and call upon other concerned people to join them (see details here).

The subject matters of the litigation are the expert conclusion on the environmental impact approved by the Minister of Nature Protection and the positive conclusion issued by the Expert Committee on Lake Sevan Preservation. After the court hearing, Hayk Alumyan, the lawyer representing the plaintiffs will present the details of the court case and the strategy of the legal process to the journalists and other interested parties.

As a reminder, Lydian International, a company based offshore with no mining experience whatsoever is behind Amulsar mining project. According to numerous experts, mining of Amulsar will seriously endanger Armenia’s strategic fresh-water resources, Lake Sevan, Vorotan-Arpa water tunnel, as well as Jermuk sanatorium well-known for its mineral waters. Gndevaz village will be subjected to involuntary resettlement as the extremely toxic methodology of gold extraction – cyanide heap-leaching of 10 million tons of ore annually is planned to be conducted in less than 1 km from this community.

We also ask you to join the petition initiated by 28 organizations at under the international campaign “Stop Mining in Amulsar! Do not finance Lydian International!” (click on this link ( Sign and spread around this call to stop turning Amulsar Mountain a gold mine.

Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) civil initiative

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